Monday 9 March 2015

Giving up?

 I actually don't quite like taking about sad or tragic stories but I think some of us here could learn something from this post. It's a personal choice really but  giving up on your pets is a big NO NO for me! I met a person a few weeks back who decided to put the dog to sleep because the dog is no longer healthy as it used to be.

me: Why put your dog to sleep?

person: because its not well. I cant be handling all the expenses for the treatments and I have no time. It is really not convenient for me.

me: (runs in my head) why not put your daughter to sleep when she is not well! why do you not give up on her but give up on an animal?!!

let me tell you something. there are so many people who will be willing to adopt your inconveniency  and  give it a second chance to live. Sometimes I tell and remind myself that not everyone is the same... but how can you just kill a living thing because it is not convenient for you? why get it in the first place? 

So please!!! think before getting a pet whether its a hamster or a giant! Do some research before getting a specific animal. See if that animal suits your lifestyle. Do some homework and stop being lazy. *winks*

Anyway I found this rehab center for our furry kids and I thought of sharing it with some of you who might be interested. Basically this place is called Paws Rehab and it is the only place that is for animal conditioning and rehabilitation. In other words they do provide treatments to :
-orthopedic patient
-neurological patient
-sporting injuries
-obesity patient

and their treatments include:
-manual therapy
-therapeutic exercise
-electrotherapy (EMS& Ultrasound) 
-and custom made wheelchair and splint


Here are more reasons for you to never give up on your little furkid babies! =)

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