Tuesday 17 March 2015

Say what?!

Things I cant live without:

1) My dogs - sometimes going on a long holiday can be really hard
2) Clean and clear absorbing sheets - I honestly cant live a day without these sheets. My face can be really oily. Guess it's because I dont drink much water. WHY DOES BEING HEALTHY GOT TO BE SO HARD!
4) My hand phone. Some how I am so addicted to instagram... aren't we all?
5) la juceria. maybe its time for me try other cold pressed juices but I really love these juices. they taste so good and they are good for my body too.

I cant go on... this is too hard and boring...

Tuesday 10 March 2015

the first two days before and first two days of

Am i the only one who goes through terrible period cramps?! I really hate hate getting it because I go through lots of pain , that's for the first two days before my period and the first two days of my period.. It can be extremely  frustrating as it slows me down. I read  few remedies online , advices from doctors and most of them say that exercise really helps. Maybe I should start exercising or maybe start a little yoga. I have became very lazy recently to work out at the gym  or even to take my dogs out  for walks!! Isn't that lazy or what? And have i mentioned how much of weight I have gained for the last one year? Well what can I say ... 
me loves me foood. 
 God i am fat!

Monday 9 March 2015

Giving up?

 I actually don't quite like taking about sad or tragic stories but I think some of us here could learn something from this post. It's a personal choice really but  giving up on your pets is a big NO NO for me! I met a person a few weeks back who decided to put the dog to sleep because the dog is no longer healthy as it used to be.

me: Why put your dog to sleep?

person: because its not well. I cant be handling all the expenses for the treatments and I have no time. It is really not convenient for me.

me: (runs in my head) why not put your daughter to sleep when she is not well! why do you not give up on her but give up on an animal?!!

let me tell you something. there are so many people who will be willing to adopt your inconveniency  and  give it a second chance to live. Sometimes I tell and remind myself that not everyone is the same... but how can you just kill a living thing because it is not convenient for you? why get it in the first place? 

So please!!! think before getting a pet whether its a hamster or a giant! Do some research before getting a specific animal. See if that animal suits your lifestyle. Do some homework and stop being lazy. *winks*

Anyway I found this rehab center for our furry kids and I thought of sharing it with some of you who might be interested. Basically this place is called Paws Rehab and it is the only place that is for animal conditioning and rehabilitation. In other words they do provide treatments to :
-orthopedic patient
-neurological patient
-sporting injuries
-obesity patient

and their treatments include:
-manual therapy
-therapeutic exercise
-electrotherapy (EMS& Ultrasound) 
-and custom made wheelchair and splint


Here are more reasons for you to never give up on your little furkid babies! =)

Monday 27 October 2014

Anima Strath

                    I cant contain my excitement on this new product which is out on the market (maybe it has been out in the market for a long time but I wasn't aware). This product is very natural and it can be given to all animals! no joke! ALL!! This product is called , WAIT FOR IT, ladies and gentlemen i would love to introduce  you to  the ANIMA STRATH. This has been a god sent supplement for animals , like a magic animal potion .lol. Anyway I have been looking a supplement which will help all of my pets without driving me to bankruptcy  (because i have tooo many pets & everything is sooo expensive nowadays).

If you are like me , enjoy your free samples whenever you can and would grab as much as you can , you would have never missed these little magic babies! I remember getting a few sachets from many many pets shops and vets and i thought this was one of  those failed companies who are trying their best to sell their products (from the looks of their packaging ,not  a fan of it) but I was wrong! This supplement has help my hamster and I am sure it has done good to many. In malaysia , there are not much medication for the small animals. Those who have these small pets would understand what I am talking about. It quite annoying to bring your guinea pig  , hamsters and whatever that is small to the vet and the doctor is not sure on how to treat this animals because they only treat animals like dogs and cats  . Some might even give you medication which is not meant for these small pets because they have nothing else to give. I have gone through this first-hand as this unqualified doctor  used my rabbit as a guinea pig and killed it by drugging with all sorts of medication. 

Anyway when I took my Hamster to the vet early this year because his appetite was declining , the doctor suggested this supplement. All I had to do was mix 1ml to his drinking water. . I don't have to syringe to his mouth or force feed, believe it or not within 1 day  , his appetite increase and he recovered really well and fast. What I do now is I  mix this magic potion every week once to his drinking water so that he gets as much vitamins as he can. I am  also giving this supplement to one of my dog because his appetite could be better and it would help his overall coat.

little tobiley , my adorable hamster

This video was given to me by my boyfriend of his ferret which cant get enough of the Anima Strath. Its not  only good for your furry  babies but it's  delicious!😋

The benefits of Anima Strath 
  • Unique combination of yeast and herbs
  • Free from artificially produced substances or preservatives
  • May be given over long periods, well tolerated, no doping effects
  • Available in liquid or granulate form with identical effects
  • Numerous reports from users prove the efficacy of Anima-Strath

How does Anima-Strath work? 
  • Increases immune defence powers and vitality – cold weather, stress situations, agility tests
  • Stimulates the appetite during convalescence – after illness or surgery
  • Promotes well-balanced growth
  • Helps provide a healthy glossy coat
  • Supports the digestive system, encourages metabolism and promotes full utilisation of feed

Daily use – liquid / granulate

Small animals:
Cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, hens, birds, fish
½ teaspoon (2,5ml / 1g)

Medium-sized animals:
Dogs, sheep, goats1 teaspoon (5ml / 2g)

Large animals:
Cows, cattle, pigs2 teaspoons (10ml / 4g)
Horses – 1 tablespoon (20ml / 8g) – see Equi-Strath

This supplement can be a little expensive but it is worth every ringgit. You can get your bottle of supplement from your vet or you can check in the link below.
